KILLER ROBOTS is an American rock duo formed in 2018. The group consists of Killer Robot Vic (drums and vocals) and Killer Robot Brett (bass and vocals).
Early History
Killer Robot Vic and Killer Robot Brett were created by Murdistro, a Wilton, Connecticut robotics company who manufactures dynamic, highly mobile, lethal autonomous humanoid robots. Killer Robot Vic is model KRV6051 and was given the surname Butera when he was set out on his first killing mission. Killer Robot Brett is a model KRV6030 and was given the surname Devol and was partnered with Killer Robot Vic.
Band Formation
After a short time in the field covering Chicagoland, both Vic and Brett began to go against their programming and refused to carry out killing assignments. They then took things to a strange new level and formed a rock band. They began writing, performing, recording and releasing music and music videos. They called themselves KILLER ROBOTS hoping to be able to hide in plain sight.
This caught the attention of Murdistro who worried that there was a programming malfunction or internal sabotage enabling these two robots to achieve free will. This also caught the attention of The Department of Killer Robot Administration (DOKRA), the international intelligence and security organization who’s mission is to help ensure that lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) fulfill their assignments to kill and not pose a threat to the general public.
DOKRA has assigned the case to Senior Special Agent Wes Parker who is assigned to apprehend Killer Robot Vic and Killer Robot Brett for reprogramming by Murdistro or destruction if reprogramming is unsuccessful.

Murdistro is a privately held American engineering and robotics design company founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Wilton, CT. Mudistro is respected for having some of the world’s best and brightest artificial intelligence and robotics engineers – some with questionable ethics.
The company is best known for the development of a series of dynamic, highly mobile, lethal autonomous humanoid robots, including KRV6051 and KRB6030. The KRV6051 model is large, strong with a cautious personality. The KRB6030 is smaller, extremely agile with aggressive personality traits.
Murdistro engineers have been criticized for implanting their own memories, likes dislikes, passions, fetishes and decision-making rationale into their designs. This makes the robots act and react in very lifelike ways but also leads to unpredictability.
Since 2018, Murdistro has been on the Department of Killer Robot Administration’s (DOKRA’s) watch list for this practice. It has been reported that some of the Murdistro humanoids have been known to seemingly achieve free will and begin acting on their own accord.

Cynthia Evelyn Jahelka (Born 1981) is the founder and CEO of Murdistro. Based on hospital records she was born on September 11,1981 in Wilton, Connecticut. Her mother is listed as Evelyn Jahelka. No father is listed. Beyond this, little is known about the elusive CEO. Only one photograph has ever surfaced of her. That photo was printed on the cover of CyberBiz Magazine in 2015 when she was named Most Mysterious CEO of the Year. With so little information available about Cynthia, the article is filled with speculation, innuendos, rumors and conspiracy theories. Some feel she does not actually exist. Rumors have spread that Cynthia is not an individual, but a collective of people. Some have speculated that she is actually a robot.

The Department of Killer Robot Administration (DOKRA) is an international intelligence and security organization. DOKRA’s mission is to monitor and police all lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) to ensure they fulfill their assignment to kill while not posing a threat to the general public. Violations result in reprogramming or destruction.
DOKRA was formed on June 13, 1961 when George Devol’s U.S. Patent 2,988,237 was granted for what became the “Unimate” robot. The founding members consisted of futurists, scientists, military officers, political leaders, members of law enforcement and diplomats who could see the potential of robots being used as killing machines. Today the organization is largely made up of worldwide military and police/security and computer/robotics/artificial intelligence experts.
DOKRA has a highly secure mobile headquarters, which houses the Director and some administrative staff. There are functional branches located throughout the world. An executive assistant director manages each branch. Each branch is then divided into offices and divisions, each headed by an assistant director. The various divisions are further divided into sub-branches, led by deputy assistant directors. Within each office there are teams of computer, robotics and artificial intelligence experts as well as special agents of various rankings from trainee to special agent in charge.

Wesley Jane Parker (born 1972) is a former military special operative, Chicago police officer and currently a special agent within DOKRA.
Born and raised in Springfield, IL as the youngest of 3 children to John Wesley Parker and Betty Marion Parker (née Jane). John was a Springfield Police officer and Betty a housewife.
Wes graduated from Lanphier High School in 1989. He then attended the University of Illinois for one semester before enlisting in the USMC. After serving three years in the USMC as a sniper and following a brief career as a professional bowler ----- Wes joined the Chicago Police Department, staying on for 13 years. Initially a patrol officer, Wes moved up to becoming a detective in the organized crime division. Frustrated with Chicago politics and the pay-to-play culture leading to criminals getting lenient sentences, Wes joined the FBI. He quickly moved up the ranks and joined the cyber crimes division; he soon grew frustrated with investigating bank fraud and child porn, while technology and robotics were outpacing the knowledge and infrastructure of the FBI. Wes then joined DOKRA where his military experience, old school Chicago police tactics, experience in technological crimes and his desire for Law and Order were embraced. Wes is currently a Senior Special Agent in the DOKRA Chicago Field Office, Rogue LAW (Lethal Autonomous Weapons) Division.
Wes is known for his tenacious personality, short temper, love of tequila and his British Shorthair cat named Beretta. The cat was a gift from John Turturro who Wes struck up a friendship with during a pro-am bowling tournament in 1998.